
This is the technical documentation for Rune.js. See Getting started for a quick introduction on how to use the library. The examples might also be a good place to look.

The Rune instance

new Rune(options)

Creates a new instance to be used for all drawing methods. You can use multiple instances on a single page. options is a JavaScript object that can hold the following properties.

If width and/or height is not declared, Node will default to 640x480 while browsers will default to the rendered size of the SVG. This allows you to control the size of the SVG via CSS and still access the width and height inside your Rune.js sketch.


Draws the current stage graph to the SVG element. Will automatically be called when using play() and the draw event.

line(x1, y1, x2, y2, parent)

Shortcut to create a new line object and add it to a group. Accepts same parameters as new Rune.Line(), but if parent is not set, it will add the object to the stage. If parent is a group, it will add the object as a child of this group. If parent is false, it will not add the object to any group, thus behaving exactly like new Rune.Line().

circle(x, y, radius, parent)

Shortcut to create a new circle object and add it to a group. See above or the Rune.Circle documentation.

ellipse(x, y, width, height, parent)

Shortcut to create a new ellipse object and add it to a group. See above or the Rune.Ellipse documentation.

rect(x, y, width, height, parent)

Shortcut to create a new rectangle object and add it to a group. See above or the Rune.Rectangle documentation.

triangle(x, y, x2, y2, x3, y3)

Shortcut to create a new triangle object and add it to a group. See above or the Rune.Triangle documentation.

polygon(x, y, parent)

Shortcut to create a new polygon object and add it to a group. See above or the Rune.Polygon documentation.

path(x, y, parent)

Shortcut to create a new path object and add it to a group. See the Rune.Path documentation.

text(text, x, y, parent)

Shortcut to create a new text object and add it to a group. See the Rune.Text documentation.

image(url, x, y, width, height)

Shortcut to create a new image object and add it to a group. See the Rune.Image documentation.

grid(options, parent)

Shortcut to create a new grid object and add it to a group. See the Rune.Grid documentation.

group(x, y, parent)

Shortcut to create a new group object and add it to a group. See the Rune.Group

node(name, attributes, children)

Shortcut to create a new node object and add it to a group. See the Rune.Node


Starts triggering the draw event frameRate times a second. The draw() function will automatically be called on every frame.


Stop triggering the draw event.

on(event, callback)

Used to listen to events. This is how you would listen to the update even after calling play().

r.on("update", function() {

The following events are supported: update, mousemove, mousedown, mouseup, click.


If you don’t use the container option when instantiating the Rune object, you can use this to append the SVG element to a container on the page. You can omit both the container and appendTo() and use Rune to render SVG’s server-side in node. This is still a bit untested.


Variable that holds the SVG element.

Static helpers

Rune.random(low, high)

Returns a random float between two numbers. Can also be used with a single number as parameter, which will set low to 0.


Converts radians to degrees.


Converts degrees to radians., start1, stop1, start2, stop2)

Maps a value from one range to another.

All shapes

All shape instances share the following functions.


Sets the fill of the shape according to the parameters passed into the function. All of the following inputs are valid.

fill(255) // Grayscale
fill(255, 0.1) // Grayscale and alpha
fill(255, 255, 255) // RGB
fill(255, 255, 255, 0.5) // RGBA
fill('hsv', 360, 100, 100) // HSV
fill('hsv', 360, 100, 100, 0.5) // HSVA
fill("#FF000") // Hex string
fill("#FF000", 0.5) // HEX string and alpha
fill(new Rune.Color(...)) // Color object
fill('none') // Use for transparent fill
fill(false) // No fill attribute in the SVG tag. Will inherit fill from parent if present.


Set the stroke of the shape according to the parameters passed into the function. Accepts same inputs as the fill() function above.

move(x, y, relative)

Moves the shape to a new position on the screen. If relative is set to true, the new position will be added to the current position of the shape.

rotate(degrees, x, y, relative)

Rotates the shape to a degree on the screen. If x and y is not set, the shape will rotate around the position of its parent group. If x and y is set, the shape will rotate around this position inside its parent group. If relative is set to true, the degrees will be added to the current rotation of the shape.


Makes a copy of the shape. The parent parameter uses the same logic as the shorthand shape functions on the Rune instance: If not set, the new copy will be added to the same parent as the base shape. If parent is a group, the new copy will be added to this group. If parent is false, the new copy will not have a parent.


Can be used to scale both shapes and groups. If called on a shape, the shape will scale while staying at the same position. If called on a group, the group will scale all children, including their x and y positions.

Keep in mind that scaling is a one-time transformation that only affects the current state of the shape. So calling scale() on an empty polygon, path or group will have no affect at all.


Changes the parent of the shape to the group passed in the group parameter.


Detaches the shape from its parent group, making it invisible.

toPolygon(options, parent)

Converts the shape to a polygon by converting lines and curves to equally spaced vectors. options is a JavaScript object that currently only takes a single property.

The parent parameter uses the same logic as the shorthand shape functions on the Rune instance: If not set, the new copy will be added to the same parent as the base shape. If parent is a group, the new copy will be added to this group. If parent is false, the new copy will not have a parent.

Note that on Rune.Path object, this function is called toPolygons(), as it returns an array of polygons due to the nature of the path shape. Also note that Rune.Polygon also has a toPolygon function that can be used to divide the polygon into a new polygon with evenly spaced vectors.


Sets the width of the stroke in pixels. Defaults to 1.


Specifies the shape to be used at the end of open lines when they are stroked.


Specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths or basic shapes when they are stroked.


When two lines meet at a sharp angle and strokeJoin has been set to miter, it is possible for the miter to extend far beyond the thickness of the line stroking the path. strokeMiterLimit() imposes a limit on the ratio of the miter length to the strokeWidth. When the limit is exceeded, the join is converted from a miter to a bevel.


Can be used to turn the stroke into dashes. See the Mozilla Developer Documentation for more info.


Specifies the distance into the dash pattern to start the dash.


Returns the absolute position of the shape or group in relation to the canvas 0,0. This is helpful if you have a lot of nested groups, and you want to find the position of a shape in relation to the canvas.


new Rune.Rectangle(x, y, width, height)

Creates a new rectangle object. The new rectangle is not added to the stage.

round(x, y)

Gives the rectangle rounded corners.

width(num, relative)

Changes the width of the rectangle. If the second argument is set to true, the value will be added to the width of the shape.

height(num, relative)

Changes the height of the rectangle. If the second argument is set to true, the value will be added to the height of the shape.


new Rune.Line(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Creates a new line object. The new line is not added to the stage.


new Rune.Circle(x, y, radius)

Creates a new circle object. The new circle is not added to the stage.

radius(length, relative)

Changes the radius of the circle. If the second argument is set to true, the value will be added to the radius of the shape.


new Rune.Ellipse(x, y, width, height)

Creates a new ellipse object. The new circle is not added to the stage.

width(num, relative)

Changes the width of the rectangle. If the second argument is set to true, the value will be added to the width of the shape.

height(num, relative)

Changes the height of the rectangle. If the second argument is set to true, the value will be added to the height of the shape.


new Rune.Triangle(x, y, x2, y2, x3, y3)

Creates a new triangle object with points at the 3 xy positions.


new Rune.Polygon(x, y)

Creates a new polygon object. The new polygon is not added to the stage.

lineTo(x, y)

Creates a line from the current position to the new position. The first time lineTo() is called, it the xy determines the starting position of the shape. All outlines created via lineTo are relative to the xy position of the polygon.


Returns the length of the polygon, calculated by combining the length of all vectors in the polygon.


Returns a Rune.Vector describing a point on the outline of the polygon.


Returns a Rune.Vector describing a point on the outline of the polygon.


Returns a JavaScript object with x, y, width and height properties describing the outer bounds of the polygon. This is the internal representation of the bounds, which means that the polygon xy values are not added to the bounds.


Returns a Rune.Vector holding the centroid of the shape. This is the internal representation of the centroid, which means that the polygon xy values are not added to the centroid.

contains(x, y)

Returns a boolean to indicate whether or not the xy point is inside the polygon. If the polygon belongs belongs to the stage, this will be calculated using the absolute position of the polygon to the stage. If the polygon does not belong to a group, this will be calculated using just the polygon position and outline.


new Rune.Path(x, y)

Creates a new path object. The new path is not added to the stage.

moveTo(x, y)

Moves the current position to the new xy position. By default, all paths start at 0,0, and calling moveTo() will change this. Calling moveTo() after other drawing methods like lineTo() or moveTo() will create a new subpath in the path. All moves are relative to the xy position of the path.

lineTo(x, y)

Creates a line from the current position ending at xy. All outlines created via lineTo() are relative to the xy position of the path. If lineTo() is used as the first function in an empty path, it will draw a line from 0,0 to xy.


Create a curve from the current position in the path. There are two different types of curves: a quad bezier (a bezier curve with a single control point), and a cubic bezier (a bezier curve with two control points).

The following will draw a quad bezier curve from the current path position to 200,0, with the curve going through a single control point at 100,100.

curveTo(100, 100, 200, 0);

The following will draw a cubic bezier curve from the current path position to 200,0, with the curve going through two control points at 100,100 and 200,200.

curveTo(100, 100, 200, 200, 200, 0);


Closes the path by drawing a straight line back to the beginning of the subpath.


Divides the path into an array of paths, where each path only has a single subpath. The parent parameter uses the same logic as the shorthand shape functions on the Rune instance: If not set, the new copy will be added to the same parent as the base shape. If parent is a group, the new subpaths will be added to this group. If parent is false, the new subpaths will not have a parent.


Returns the combined length of all subpaths in the path.


Returns a Rune.Vector describing a point on the outline of the path.


Returns a Rune.Vector describing a point on the outline of the path.


Sets the fillrule for the subpaths. This can be used to add or subtract subpath from one another. See Understanding the SVG fill-rule property for more info.


new Rune.Text(text, x, y)

Creates a new text object. The new text is not added to the stage. The text object currently does not support bounds and multiple lines.


Name of the font to use. You can use the names of all default system fonts, or any webfonts imported on the page, for example Google Fonts.


Sets the size of the font. size can be a number in pixels, or a string with other valid CSS values.


Specifies how the text should flow to its x and y position. Options are "left", "center", and "right".


Specifies the font style to use. Options are "normal", "italic", and "oblique"


Specifies the font weight to use. weight can be a string of "normal" or "bold", or a number corresponding to the font weight. This is especially important when using webfonts like Google Fonts.


Sets the spacing between the letters. spacing can be a number in pixels, or a string with other valid CSS values.


Specifies the font decoration. weight can be a string of "none", "underline", "overline", "line-through", and "blink".


new Rune.Image(url, x, y, width, height)

Creates a new image object that is not added to the stage. SVG does not support initial image sizes, so you must specify a width and a height for the image.

width(num, relative)

Changes the width of the image. If the second argument is set to true, the value will be added to the width of the shape.

height(num, relative)

Changes the height of the image. If the second argument is set to true, the value will be added to the height of the shape.


new Rune.Group(x, y)

Creates a new group object with no children. The new group is not added to the stage.


Adds a child to the group. If the child has an existing parent, it will be removed before adding it to the group.


Removes a child from the group.


new Rune.Node(name, attributes, children)

Creates a new node object. The node object can be used to add a custom SVG tag to the stage if Rune.js does not support it. For example, this shows how to create a custom SVG path node with an arc (which is not yet supported through the official API).

r.node('path', { d: 'M0 0 A 0 00 0 0 1 100 100' })

This will render a <path> element with the corresponding attribute.


new Rune.Grid(options)

Creates a new grid object. The new grid is not added to the stage. options is a JavaScript object that can hold the following options.

add(child, column, row)

Adds a child to one of the module grids specified by the column and row number.


new Rune.Color(...)

Creates a new color object. Accepts the same inputs as the fill() and stroke() functions.


Use the following functions to return a JavaScript object with the color values in a specific space.


The following methods can be used to return an array with the same color values.



The following chainable methods can be used to manipulate the color.

negate(); // rgb(0, 100, 255) -> rgb(255, 155, 0)

lighten(0.5); // hsl(100, 50%, 50%) -> hsl(100, 50%, 75%)
darken(0.5); // hsl(100, 50%, 50%) -> hsl(100, 50%, 25%)

saturate(0.5); // hsl(100, 50%, 50%) -> hsl(100, 75%, 50%)
desaturate(0.5); // hsl(100, 50%, 50%) -> hsl(100, 25%, 50%)
greyscale(); // #5CBF54 -> #969696

whiten(0.5); // hwb(100, 50%, 50%) -> hwb(100, 75%, 50%)
blacken(0.5); // hwb(100, 50%, 50%) -> hwb(100, 50%, 75%)

clearer(0.5); // rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.8) -> rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.4)
opaquer(0.5); // rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.8) -> rgba(10, 10, 10, 1.0)

rotate(180); // hsl(60, 20%, 20%) -> hsl(240, 20%, 20%)
rotate(-90); // hsl(60, 20%, 20%) -> hsl(330, 20%, 20%)

mix(new Rune.Color("#FFFF00")); // cyan -> rgb(128, 255, 128)


Get the WCAG luminosity of the color. 0 is black, 1 is white.

luminosity(); // 0.412

Get the WCAG contrast ratio to another color from 1 (same color) to 21 (white/black contrast).

contrast(new Rune.Color("#FF0000"));

Get whether the color is “light” or “dark”, useful for deciding text color.



Returns a copy of the color object.


new Rune.Vector(x, y)

A vector is a very simple object that has an x and y variable. This returns a new Vector.

set(x, y)

Updates the vector with new x and y values.


Adds vector to the base vector and returns a new vector. This does not change the original vectors.


Subtracts vector from the base vector and returns a new vector. This does not change the original vectors.


Multiplies vector with the base vector and returns a new vector. This does not change the original vectors.


Divides the base vector with vector and returns a new vector. This does not change the original vectors.


Returns the distance between two vectors.


Returns the distance squared between two vectors.

lerp(vector, scalar)

Returns the linear interpolation of the two vectors by a scalar amount.


Returns the dot product of the two vectors.


Returns the length of the vector.


Returns the squared length of the vector.


Normalizes the vector values so they are between 0-1.


Returns the rotation of the vector.


Rotates the vector relative to its current rotation.


Returns a copy of the vector.


An anchor is used to describe the individual points on a path, that being moves, lines, curves or closes.

setMove(x, y)

Often used like new Rune.Anchor().setMove(x,y) to create a new anchor holding move command.

setLine(x, y)

Often used like new Rune.Anchor().setLine(x,y) to create a new anchor holding line command.


Often used like new Rune.Anchor().setCurve(...) to create a new anchor holding a quad or bezier curve. Accepts the same parameters as the path curveTo() function.


Often used like new Rune.Anchor().setClose() to create a new anchor holding close command.


Adds a vector to an anchor.


Subtracts a vector from an anchor.


Returns the length of the anchor, whether it’s a curve or a line. Move anchors will have a length of 0, while close anchors will throw an error.


Returns a Rune.Vector with a point on the anchor defined by scalar, a normalized float from 0 to 1. For example, if scalar is 0.5 and it’s called on a curve anchor, this function will return the point that is midways on the curve.